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2010 東海大學美術學系 藝術創作碩士(MFA)

2006 新竹教育大學藝術與設計學系 學士(BA)   



2015   像你 ,伊日美學富錦藝術空間,臺北,臺灣

2013   墨色响午,永春堂美術館,臺中,臺灣

2010   你好?之再見幻影,東海藝術中心,臺中,臺灣

2008   作夢也沒想到 - 盧依琳、劉耀中雙個展,胡同飲集劇場 ,臺中,臺灣

2006   來不及,第59場,新館展覽廳,新竹,臺灣



2021   三境秘話-許聖泓、盧依琳、劉耀中聯展,當代一畫廊,臺北,臺灣

2021   直徑30km2生活圈,Instant42,彰化,臺灣

2021   藝流 · 系譜 · 學院之道-大臺中學院美術教學源流,臺中市大墩文化中心,臺中,臺灣2

2019   台北藝術自由-自由心證藝術拍賣會,松山文化創意園區,臺北,臺灣

2019   當代一年展海桐特展,花博爭艷館,臺北,臺灣

2018   存在 · 感-臺灣東海大學與泰國Silpakorn藝術大學教授作品交流展,東海藝術中心/HRH Princess Sirindhorn Art Gallery,臺灣/泰國

2018   發展受阻-台日澳交流展,伊日藝術駁二空間,高雄,臺灣

2016   這是一本書,maybe not,東海書苑,臺中

2016   HOPE-0206藝術攜手義賣展,伊日藝術,臺北,臺灣

2015   我和我的動物朋友,新光三越高雄左營店,高雄,臺灣

2013   第11屆台新藝術獎入圍特展-《院》, 臺北當代藝術館,臺北,臺灣

2012   院,東海大學藝術中心,臺中,臺灣

2010   影像世代的繪畫衝動 - 學院現象瞥見,20號倉庫,臺中,臺灣

2010   藝想TEN開 - 視盟藝術家博覽會,臺中文化創意園區,臺中,臺灣

2010   早春圖 - 二○一○藝術新秀聯展,世界畫廊,臺中,臺灣

2010   三角關係Part2 - 民主藝術凍蒜,東海43號,臺中,臺灣

2008   意識︱流 - 新人展,臻品畫廊,臺中,臺灣

2008   略,厚花園,彰化,臺灣

2008   東海原生種,東海43號,臺中,臺灣



2021   WHAAAAAT'S 國際當代藝術博覽會,台北喜來登飯店,臺北,臺灣

2016   台南藝術博覽會,大億麗緻酒店,臺南,臺灣

2015   第四屆深圳國際藝術博覽會,深圳会展中心8號館,深圳,中國

2014   Citizen Art Chengdu 成都城市藝術博覽會,錦江賓館,成都,中國

2014   Citizen Art Shanghai 上海城市藝術博覽會,衡山路十二號豪華精選酒店,上海,中國

2012 Young Art Taipei 台北國際當代藝術博覽會,喜來登大飯店,臺北,臺灣



2010   第八屆桃源創作獎,入圍,桃園縣政府文化局 



2015   尋-在日光裡展,伊日美學台中空間,臺中,臺灣

2014   走進書店的N個理由,臺北國際書展-臺灣獨立書店文化協會展區,臺北,臺灣

2013   冷感有感-作為啟動感覺的相互幻生幻滅能力,衍空間,臺中,臺灣

2010   復興夜市-駐站藝術家聯展,共同策展人,20號倉庫,臺中,臺灣

2010   LOMO 般的生活薄膜,20號倉庫,臺中,臺灣

2008   那些乳牛都不肯走:東海、竹教大、彰師大研究生聯展,東海43號,臺中,臺灣



2014-至今  東海大學美術學系兼任講師,臺中,臺灣

2012-2013  衍空間,藝術統籌與活動規劃,臺中,臺灣

2010.9-2012  20號倉庫-鐵道藝術網絡臺中站,教育暨活動策劃,臺中,臺灣



2018 西永福町FORO(由Oakhouse贊助),東京,日本

Yi-Lin Lu 

1984 Born in Kaohsiung, currently living in Taichung


2010  Tunghai university, Graduate institute of fine arts, MFA

2006  National hsinchu university of education, Department of arts and design, BA


Solo Exhibition

2015  As if we were here, YIRI arts, Taipei , Taiwan

2013  Dark at noon, Everspring museum of arts, Taichung , Taiwan

2010  Hello? Farewell/Revisit my reflection, Tunghai university art gallery, Taichung , Taiwan

2008  Little did she/he know - Yi-Lin Lu, Yao-Chung Liu double solo exhibitions, Whotogether,  Taichung, Taiwan

2006  The 59 scene - There's not enough time, National hsinchu university, Hsinchu , Taiwan


Group Exhibition

2021 Anecdote Trio-SHIU Sheng-Hung、Yi-Lin LU、Yao-Chung LIU group exhibitionㄝ, A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2021 A Living Circle of Diameter 30km, Instant42, Changhua, Taiwan

2021 藝流 · 系譜 · 學院之道-大臺中學院美術教學源流,臺中市大墩文化中心,臺中,臺灣

2019 FREE ART FAIR- the auction, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan

2019 Haiton Art Center in Taiwan Annual, Taipei International Flora Expo Dome, Taipei, Taiwan

2018 Existence‧sense: joint exhibition between Silpakorn University, Thailand and Tunghai University, Taiwan, Tunghai university art 

          gallery/HRH Princess Sirindhorn Art Gallery, Thailand/ Taiwan

2018 Arrested Development, Yiri arts, Kaohsiung , Taiwan

2016  It’s a book, maybe not, Thus Book, Taichung , Taiwan

2016  HOPE-0206, Yiri arts, Taipei , Taiwan

2015  Me & My Animal Friend, SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI, Kaohsiung , Taiwan

2013  The 11th taishin arts award exhibition-<Yard>, MOCA taipei, Taipei , Taiwan

2012  Yard, Tunghai university art gallery, Taichung , Taiwan

2012  Young artist taipei, Sheraton taipei hotel, Taipei , Taiwan

2010  Image generation’s impulse to draw/paint–a glimpse of the academic phenomenon, Stock 20, Taichung , Taiwan

2010  See you next 10 - artist fair, Association of visual art in taiwan, Taichung cultural & creative in dustries park, Taichung , Taiwan

2010  Early spring - young artists, Shijie gallery, Taichung , Taiwan

2010  The love triangle part II, Tunghai no.43, Taichung , Taiwan

2008  Stream of consciousness - young artists, Galerie pierre, Taichung , Taiwan

2008  Slightly, Post garden, Changhua , Taiwan

2008  Native species of Tunghai, Tunghai No.43, Taichung, Taiwan


Art Fair 

2021  WHATS INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR, Sheraton grand Taipei hotel, Taipei, Taiwan

2016  Art Tainan, Tayih landis hotel, Tainan, Taiwan 

2015  The 4th annual shenzhen international art fair, Shenzhen, China

2014  Citizen art chengdu, Jin jiang hotel, Chengdu, China

2014  Citizen art shanghai, Twelve at hengshan a luxury collection hotel, Shanghai, China

2012  Young art Taipei, Sheraton grand Taipei hotel, Taipei, Taiwan



2010  The eighth annual Taoyuan creation award, Entry award, Cultural affairs bureau Taoyuan county government, Taiwan


Curated Exhibition

2015  Find a place to feel the sunshine, Yiri arts taichung space, Taichung, Taiwan

2014  Any number of reasons to go in a bookshop, TIBE-taiwan association for independent book-shop culture, Taipei, Taiwan

2013  Cool feel hot-an ability to defeat, reload and go on, Derive art& Café Amarcord, Taichung, Taiwan 

2010  Fu-xing ye shi, co-curator, Stock20, Taichung, Taiwan

2010  Lomo life, Stock20, Taichung, Taiwan

2008  Those cows don’t want to leave, Tunghai no.43, Taichung, Taiwan



2015-   Adjunct Lecturer in Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan

2013-2012  Derive art & Café Amarcord, Art & events coordinator, Taichung, Taiwan

2012-2010.9  Stock20, Educational program & curating, Taichung, Taiwan



2018 Artist in Residency at FORO Eifukucho Tokyo(Supported by OAKHOUSE), Tokyo, Japan

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